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Cal Triathlon Club

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
46 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 15, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

✨12 HOURS FOR 12K✨ Cal Tri Crowdfunding

February 29, 2024

Hello wonderful 2018 donors,

My name is Rebecca Hebert, I am the current Volunteering and Fundraising Chair for Cal Triathlon. I am reaching out on behalf of the 2024 Cal Tri Crowdfunding campaign. To those of you who have already graciously donated, THANK YOU! Our team could not be successful without your generosity. Your donations have helped us reach to new heights far past our original goal. We are now at a new goal of $12,000 dollars for this years crowdfunding campaign.

We have just ⏱️ 12 HOURS LEFT ⏱️ of crowdfunding for 2024, and we believe we can reach our super stretch goal of ⭐ 12,000 DOLLARS ⭐ 

If you or someone you know would like to support our team, the link to donate is here: All donations are tax deductible and sincerely appreciated! 

We are a student-run and student-funded athletic club that receives little financial support from the school. We are the largest collegiate triathlon team in the country and one of the most decorated collegiate triathlon teams in history - and we have achieved all of this merely through the financial backing of team fundraising efforts and membership dues. The cost of training equipment, dues, and race travel can be expensive for any college student and a barrier for those hoping to get involved in the sport. Crowdfunding allows us to make triathlon an accessible sports for everyone who wants to get active and join the Cal Tri family <3 

We can't thank you enough for being a part of the Cal Tri Family and your continued support throughout the years! Our team is currently in the process of gearing up for our National Competition, see the video below to see our team working hard and pushing each other for our favorite race of the season! Thank you all and GO BEARS!


Surpassing Stretch Goals in Crowdfunding and Beyond!

November 04, 2018

It seems fitting that Cal Tri Crowdfunding surpassed its stretch goal of $7500 this weekend as it was a weekend of reaching goals for the team!


This weekend Cal Tri had 30 athletes at the Sagan Gran Fondo event, a first place finish at the Marin Triathlon, a 1-2 finish at a swim/bike race in Southern California, and sent three athletes to the NCAA Collegiate National Race in Tempe, Arizona.


We could not have done any of this without the love and support of our friends and family! Thank you for the donations you have given and for the support you have shown our team! It is with humility and gratitude that we are raising our super stretch goal to $10,000!


Please continue to share the page with your family and friends!


From our family to yours,

Cal Tri


Keep up with Cal Tri -- Read our Newsletter!

October 30, 2018

To all of our donors,


Thank you for your donations and your support of this team. We are very appreciative of your continued support.


It is with great pleasure to be bringing back our community newsletter, TriBears! From what started last season as a monthly newsletter highlighting all of the latest Cal Tri happenings, TriBears is committed to keeping our team, our community, and our amazing alumni involved. Here you can find race reports, upcoming events, alumni news, and more!


Issue 6 of TriBears features Cal Tri alum, Alberto Hermoso Diaz and his journey on pursuing triathlons after college, a preview of the NCAA Women's Collegiate Triathlon National Championship, an Aggieathlon race report, and much more!


Enjoy TriBears and please continue to share the Cal Tri Crowdfunding Page with friends and family! 



The Cal Tri Family


We have almost reached out goal!!!

October 19, 2018

Cal Tri wants to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated to our Crowdfunding Campaign! We have had an overwhelming amount of support far beyond what we expected! Since we have almost hit our goal of $5,000, the team has decided to announce a NEW STRETCH GOAL of $7,500! The extra funds raised beyond our goal will go to subsidizing bike fits for our members -- this is will help members increase power and stay injury free on the bike! Thank you to all of our donors, it has been truly inspirational to see the massive support system behind Cal Tri.


Our way
of Thanking You


Social Media Shoutouts

Cal Tri will give you a shout out on one of our many social media platforms

1 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2018


Video Livestream Thank You

Cal Tri will give you a shout out on Facebook in the form of a livestream video thank you!

5 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2018


Join us for a practice!

Come out to a practice and train with us. Meet the athletes who get to attend nationals because of YOUR help and support.

2 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2018


Team Photo

We would love to send you a photo of our team with personalized thank you's on the back!

10 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2018


Handwritten Thank You Notes

A thank you note from one of the athletes who you impacted personally with your donation!

3 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2018


Invitation to Sponsorship Gala

Come out to a team reception to get to know our team and alumni better! We would love to personally thank you for your donation!

1 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2018
Our Crowdfunding Groups