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Early Development & Learning Science (ED&LS)

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
7 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Early Development & Learning Science (ED&LS)

The Developing Child Summer Minor and Certificate program is an interdisciplinary, developmental science program designed to better prepare those who are interested in working with or on behalf of children ages 0-8. Integrating research, practice, and policy with problem-solving skills for the real world, our innovative program enriches students with an interdisciplinary approach to improving children's lives.


2018 Summer Cohort
Summer 2018 Student Cohort


In its first summer, the program provided the student cohort with a variety of hands-on activities that helped to enrich their program experience. These included a practicum placement in an Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP) classroom, where they applied their new-found knowledge. Students also participated in a variety of team-building activities to help strengthen the collaborative cohort. They visited IDEO and the Design School at Stanford, where they received a private tour and talk by founder, David Kelly. During these visits students had the opportunity to see design thinking and to witness its process.                                                                                 


The D School at Stanford  


Cohort students interacting with D School faculty


In Summer 2019, we want to continue providing our students with valuable experiences that help them apply the interdisciplinary and integrated content our program offers.  The funds raised through this campaign will support a trip to the State Capitol, where students will meet with policy makers to learn more about the integration of developmental science and policy. 


Please make a gift today and help us provide theThe Developing Child Summer 2019 student cohort with exciting hands-on experiences! #CalBigGive #ucearlylearning 


Read what some of our past students have to say about the program!

"Throughout the whole program we have seminars that integrate cutting edge research with practice."


​"Working with kids and applying our skills was a pretty great experience. Being able to visualize the concepts we were learning in the other classes made the work valuable."



​To learn more about The Developing Child and ED&LS visit or follow us on Facebook @thedevelopingchild or Twitter@BerkeleyEDLS


Choose a giving level


Social Media Shoutout!

ED&LS will give you a shoutout on one of our many social media platforms.


Hand Written Thank You Note!

A thank you note written from one of our students who you impacted with your donation!


Invitation to a Cohort Event!

You will be invited to one of our many cohort team-building events this summer.


Invitation to course "Sit-in!"

You will be invited to "sit-in" in one of our 5 program courses!


Spend "A day in the program!"

You will be invited to spend one day experiencing our program! You can attend all five classes and get the opportunity to meet and talk to cohort students, faculty and staff!

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