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Berkeley Bioengineering Big Give

Berkeley Bioengineering Big Give Image
Participation Drive
2 Donors
Towards goal of 25 Donors
$1,100.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on March 15, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Berkeley Bioengineering Big Give


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What moment defined Berkeley BioE for you?

Orientation? When a professor remembered your name? That first successful lab experiment? Graduation Day?


Take a moment today reflect on your favorite moments at Berkeley BioE -- then give big with Big Give to help make more moments for more students come true.

Big Give graphic

The department relies on gifts from our generous supporters to provide important supplemental activities for our students that aren't covered by our state funding.

Thank you!

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Choose a giving level


BioE Backer

Every donation helps! Together these gifts make a difference in our community.


Firm foundation

You're our rock - and you rock! $100 can print 1-2 student research posters, or buy supplies for a career event.


Awesome Ally

You've got our back! $250 can send a group of students to lunch with a visiting speaker, help a club put on a special event, or host a mixer for students and faculty.


Charitable Champion

You're a star! $500 can send a student to present at a conference, bring an admitted student to visit us at Cal Day, or buy new equipment for the teaching labs.


Hardcore Hero

You're wonderful! $1000 can bring us an exciting seminar speaker from the East Coast, purchase some awesome lab equipment and supplies, fund a student research project, or so many other things.

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