As many of you may have heard, we unfortunately decided to postpone the hackathon in early March. This decision was made due to public health concerns with the spread of COVID-19, and news of community spread cases in San Francisco and cases in Alameda County. We did not take this decision lightly, and our priority was ensuring the health of all students, mentors, and their families and not putting anyone at risk. As this situation has continued to develop, ANova’s events committee and executive board has decided to postpone ANova Hacks until spring 2021. We plan on hosting the event in March 2021, and all the funds and resources planned for ANova Hacks 2020 will be used for this new hackathon. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you all for your understanding and continued support!
We did it! With 6 days left, we’ve hit our goal of $4000! Thank you so much to all our amazing donors. Our next milestone is to hit $5,500 with the extra money going towards providing BART tickets for students to come to the hackathon as well as providing students with meals during the event.
If you haven't donated and would still like to contribute, we'll be accepting donations until the end of the period. Thank you for choosing to be a part of this journey and helping make this event possible. Spread the news about ANova Hacks by sharing this page and liking our Facebook page!
With a donation of $25 of more we will give you a shoutout from our social media platform of your choice (Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn).
With a donation of $50 of more we will send you a personalized thank you letter and you will receive all perks listed above.
With a donation of $100 or more we will feature you on our club website's donor wall and you will receive all perks listed above.
With a donation of $250 or more, we will send you a custom ANova keychain and you will receive all perks listed above.
With a donation of $500 or more, you are invited to meet the officers, give you a shout-out during the hackathon for your contribution, and you will receive all perks listed above.
With a donation of $1000 or more, you will be invited to attend the awards ceremony at our hackathon where you can get a taste of our students' projects. You can also take a picture with the students at the hackathon, which we will frame and sign for you. You will receive all perks listed above.