Camp Alima was established in 2018 with the purpose of exposing high school-aged girls in Morocco to the possibility of a career in the STEM fields including, but not limited to, biology, chemistry, and computer science. The purpose of our student organization at UC Berkeley is to design the STEM curriculum that we will then teach the following summer during a week-long summer camp for interested Moroccan students.
This summer camp will take on a two-pronged format. We will first incorporate hands-on science experiments aimed at giving students first-hand experience with the concepts they learn during the school year. We will guide students through the development of a hypothesis, testing of that hypothesis, and finally, interpretation of the results. For the second part of the camp, we will coordinate with Moroccans currently employed in STEM-related industries to discuss leadership and career opportunities with the camp attendees. Our focus as a student organization will be to bring together the various elements of the camp as well as to educate the local Berkeley community on Morocco and our work there through community events. These community events will focus on education-related development and will take various forms such as seminars, panels, community dinners, and more.
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Get a special shoutout at Camp Alima and featured on our event program
Meet and greet with the team and a photo with the executive board.