Thanks so much to all who contributed to our crowdfunding campaign! With your help we exceeded our goal and we'll be able to purchase the equipment we need to get our undergraduate lab off the ground, as well as to provide some support for our undergrads to travel to present their work at meetings and to visit our telescopes. We've already signed up our first two undergraduate interns, Ryan and Samantha, who will be working with me and Jack this summer to pilot the software defined radio program, developing the curriculum that will be used to train more undergrads working with us going forward.
We continue to be inspired by the huge amount of public support we get at Berkeley SETI Research Center. We hope you will follow us on Facebook ( ) and Twitter ( ) for updates on our science, engineering, education, and our growing undergraduate internship program!
As promised (for those donors who did not request anonymity) we've also given a shout-out on our Facebook page (see ). For those who donated at $100 and above, we'll let you know when your other perks are ready.
Steve Croft
Berkeley SETI Research Center
Huge thanks to everyone who has given thus far. We're almost halfway to our fundraising goal and we'd love for you to share this page with friends and family who want to support our undergraduates. To see where your money is going, we thought you'd like to see this biographical video of Kyle, an intern who joined our program last year. His enthusiasm for working with Berkeley SETI Research Center is infectious! Your donations go towards enabling us to engage with students like Kyle and expanding our program going forward.
Steve Croft Berkeley SETI Research Center
We'll give you a personal shout-out and thanks on the Berkeley SETI Facebook page
Personal thanks on a PDF poster that we'll create and publish, thanking all our donors who give at this level or above.
We'll create a special colored star associated with your user account on the forums at to identify you as a supporter.
Send us a question and get a personal response via email by a member of our team
Attend roundtable discussion with BSRC Director Andrew Siemion (15 available)
Submit a question and have it answered by one of our team members in a fancy video.
You'll be personally thanked in the next article the Berkeley SETI team has published in a scientific journal.
We'll thank you as a supporter in the credits of one of our YouTube profile videos, and you'll get a shoutout from the scientist we interview.
A tour for the donor and one guest from one of our scientists of the Breakthrough Listen Lab and the Space Sciences Laboratory
We'll add your name to an official major supporters' plaque in the new Berkeley SETI lab
Tour the Green Bank Telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia for the donor and up to three guests (donor pays for flights and accommodation)