Personal finance—incredibly important, yet severely under-taught. The Financial Literacy and Economic Justice Conference, known as “Flejcon,” aims to provide financial literacy and economic justice education to the Berkeley student body and community, primarily through our annual, student-organized event drawing together faculty, administrative offices, community partners, and student leaders in a series of workshops.
We are a student-founded, student-led organization that puts together this conference each year featuring topics such as budgeting, filing taxes, investing, understanding credit, and navigating housing in Berkeley. Raising these funds will allow us to continue to offer this free conference to hundreds of students and community members each year, helping us pay for conference materials, speaker accommodations, and marketing efforts. With your support, we can keep providing the Berkeley community skills and knowledge essential to achieving financial wellness.
Flejcon began as a Big Ideas at Berkeley entry in 2015 that won 1st place in “Improving Student Life". Our founders recognized financial stress as a pervasive socioeconomic and health problem at UC Berkeley that is set to grow in the years ahead. In the 2014 Undergraduate Experience Survey administered at UC Berkeley, 67% of students reported being concerned about paying for their undergraduate education. In response to the rising cost of education, 47% of students have skipped meals, and 88% of students have cut down on personal/recreation spending. Moreover, on campus 65% of students depend upon some form of financial aid to afford their degree. Flejcon began with a purpose to directly reduce financial illiteracy, a major driver of financial stress among college students, and we have been working to expand our impact beyond our student body to the community as well. Due to unexpected cuts to our budget, your help is essential to moving our mission forward.
Since 2015, Flejcon has held four conferences, each featuring a diverse range of speakers and topics, and we are looking forward to our 2020 conference. Each year we have accommodated 200-300 attendees at our conference, as well as up to 100 more attendees at our smaller workshops throughout the year, and we hope to broaden our reach this year and in years to come. Your donations will help make this possible.
As the first student-organized and student-oriented conference of its kind at UC Berkeley, our goal is to empower individuals to improve the welfare and future of themselves and their communities. Flejcon aims to provide financial literacy training and knowledge of economic disparities for individuals where, currently, there are very few opportunities to develop financial literacy skills and knowledge.
We are relying on your support to make our conferences this year and in future years happen! Please give today to support us in providing comprehensive financial literacy and economic empowerment education across our community.
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Learn more about Flejcon and our previous conferences:
- Shoutout on quarterly updates of social media pages
- Shoutout on quarterly updates of social media pages - FLEJCON Sticker Set
- Shoutout on quarterly updates of social media pages - FLEJCON Sticker Set - FLEJCON Phone Wallet
- Name featured on conference pamphlets for distribution to 200+ attendees - FLEJCON Gift Set: Stress bear, phone wallet, lanyard, sticker set - Shoutout on quarterly updates of social media pages
- Signed photos from the conference - Name featured on all social media pages + conference shoutout as sponsor - Name featured on conference pamphlets for distribution to 200+ attendees - Handwritten thank you note - FLEJCON Gift Set
- Personalized thank you video - Featured on event newsletter/press release (1000+ subscribers) - Signed photos from conference - Name featured on all social media pages + conference shoutout as sponsor - Name featured on conference pamphlets for distribution to 200+ attendees - Handwritten thank you note - FLEJCON Gift Set: Stress bear, lanyard, sticker set, phone wallet