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PHAA Board of Directors Diversity Scholarships | 2020

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
89 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 03, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

THANK YOU! - We reached our $10K goal! Let's fund more scholarships!

February 19, 2020

Thank you everyone! We are amazed and humbled by your collective efforts and generosity! 


With the generosity of over 70 donors we have reached our goal of crowdfunding $10,000 for the Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) Diversity Scholarships! This will fund 5 scholarships that will go to underrepresented minority students at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. We are so humbled by and appreciative of our community's collective effort to support both students and diversity and inclusion efforts at the School of Public Health. Thank you so much to all who contributed to our crowdfunding and to those who shared our campaign with your colleagues, friends, and family. All your support and help means so much to us.


Our campaign doesn't come to a close until March 3rd so we have a little over a week left to raise even more funds for student scholarships! We have a stretch goal of $6,000 to fund an additional 3 scholarships at $2,000. Please help us continue to spread the campaign and support students from underrepresented backgrounds. You can spread the word by sharing this link:


Thank you again,

Public Health Alumni Association Board




Over Halfway There!

February 06, 2020

We are just about a week into this crowdfunding campaign and we have already raised over half of our goal! Thank you so much to those who have contributed so far! We greatly appreciate your support, both big and small contributions, and for sharing our campaign with your colleagues, friends, and family! We still have 3 weeks to raise the remaining 40% of our goal and I know with our continued effort and your generosity and support that we can make these scholarships a reality for students at the School of Public Health!  


Happy Launch Day!

February 03, 2020

Big thanks to our early donors! We're already at 35% of our goal of raising $10,000 in scholarships for underrepresented minority students! Thank you for making the early launch of the 2020 Public Health Alumni Association Board of Directors Diversity Scholarship a quick success. I know we can work together to raise the remaining scholarship amount! Huge thank you again to our early donors. You all are superstars! 

Our way
of Thanking You


Your Name in BHM Honor Roll

We will list your name in our Berkeley Health Monthly (BHM) honor roll.

6 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2020


Shout Out on Social Media

In addition to listing your name in our BHM honor roll, We will thank you personally via the School of Public Health's Twitter or Facebook accounts.

5 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: March 2020


Handwritten Thank You Card

In addition to the perks above, we will send you a handwritten thank you note from one of our board members.

11 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020


1 Year of Wellness Letters

In addition to the perks listed above, we will give you a one-year complimentary subscription to the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, which is 12 issues of the evidence-based health and wellness newsletter.

26 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2020


Scholarship Tea and Reception

In addition to the perks above, we will invite you and a guest to the School of Public Health's 2020 Scholarship Tea, which brings together faculty, students, donors, and alumni to recognize student scholarship recipients and the donors whose generosity has made the awards possible. You will also be invited to a reception with Dean Michael Lu and other guests following the event.

5 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2020


VIP Seating at Speaker Series

In addition the perks listed above, we will reserve VIP seating for you and a guest at all 2020 Dean's Speaker Series events.

3 of 20 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2020
Our Crowdfunding Groups