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UC Jazz Ensembles

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
53 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Help us keep the music alive on campus this semester!

Thanks to your generosity, we've reached our goal of $5000!  However our efforts aren't done yet.  For the remainder of our crowdfunding campaign, we believe that we can raise an additional $1k to invest in equipment that will help minimize latency for online class sessions (and potentially virtual concerts!)


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UC Jazz Ensembles is dedicated to the performance, study, and promotion of jazz at UC Berkeley. Your generous support will help us bring jazz back—virtually!


Since our revenue relies heavily on live, in-person performances, it is vital that we receive additional support during this pandemic. Supporting performing arts is always important, but with looming budget cuts to our resources, we are desperately looking for additional support to keep jazz alive at UC Berkeley. UC Jazz provides a valuable service to Berkeley students, providing a much needed outlet from their regular academic pursuits.  The music and community that UC Jazz Ensembles provides is even more important during this period of remote instruction.

We’re hoping to raise $5,000 total:

  • $3600 for special workshops tailored for on-line delivery provided by our part-time faculty.
  • $1400 for technology upgrades. This money would help cover some of the monthly cost of using an app, and other equipment upgrades, that would help facilitate music education in the absence of in-person instruction.


Thanks so much for your support!


In return for your support, we offer attractive "perks" based on your level of giving, which are listed in the "Our way of Thanking You" section of this page.


IMPORTANT: Make sure to click the 'Claim' button if you would like to receive a perk in exchange for your donation. Even if you donate the sufficient amount for a perk, we will not assume you want it if you don't do this.


Please contact with any questions.


Follow us on social media!

Website   Facebook  Instagram   YouTube  SoundCloud



Our way
of Thanking You


Shout-out on Facebook

If you donate at least $25 (but less than $50), we will include your name in a post on our official Facebook page (which has over 1,000 followers) thanking people who donated to our campaign. We will respect your anonymity if you don't want your name associated with how much you donated, so please note that your donation must NOT be anonymous in order to claim this perk.

3 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


Letter from a student

If you donate at least $50 (but less than $100), we will send you a custom thank you letter from a student your donation helped. This will be sent to the email address you used for your donation, but if you'd prefer it to be mailed, please email to let him know (and include your home address).

3 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


CDs from UCJ instructors

If you donate at least $100 (but less than $250), we will send you autographed copies of CDs by UC Jazz instructors (who are all professional jazz musicians) like Ted Moore.

16 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2020


Solo recording for you

If you donate at least $250 (but less than $500), one of our talented musicians will record and send you a solo performance on their instrument.

2 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2020


Live performance for you

If you donate at least $500 (but less than $1000), one of our talented musicians will do a live solo performance on their instrument for you (or your group). This will be done via Zoom at a mutually-agreeable time.

2 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2020


ALL of the above!

If you donate at least $1000, you will get every single perk above!

0 of 1000 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2020
Our Crowdfunding Groups