Hello. We are a group of girls who have started a club softball team at Berkeley! We are just a bunch of college aged women who love softball and want to provide the opportunity for experienced players to play fastpitch softball as well as teaching new players the joys and wonders of the sport. We first started this organization back in 2019, but just as our efforts were about to pay off, COVID-19 happened and our dreams of playing in the National Club Softball Association were dashed. But this year, with the world opened back up, we fully intend to have regular practices, play scrimmages with local schools, and compete in the NCSA representing UC Berkeley. We are depending on your support to pay league dues, purchase team equipment, rent practice space, and travel to tournaments, and through these efforts we hope to make softball more accessible and fun for Berkeley’s students.
Here are some of our budget items for this year:
League dues: $950
Team uniforms: $200
Field costs (subject to COVID): $350
Transportation: $400
Total: $1,900
We are asking for 600 dollars in hopes that with smart financial decisions, we will be able to stretch this money to last us through at least this semester. We will travel to a few local scrimmage games in the fall and will play four league conference tournaments in the Spring.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at berkeleyclubsoftball@gmail.com or contact anyone on our leadership team:
Captain: Emily Ramey, emily_ramey@berkeley.edu
President: Mikayla Blair, mikaylablair@berkeley.edu
Vice President: Lianne Wong, liwong10@berkeley.edu
Treasurer: Amanda Tai, amandahltai@berkeley.edu
Fundraising: Rachel An, rachelan2001@berkeley.edu
You can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/calclubsoftball/
We hope that you will consider donating to help us reach our goal, and please share our page with your friends and family! Thank you so much for stopping by!
- Emily, Mikayla, Lianne, Amanda and Rachel
We will post a personalized message on our social media accounts thanking you for your donation and your support of the team.
We will send you a softball-themed sticker set.
We will send you an electronic thank-you card with messages from our players.