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UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra Central European Tour, Summer 2022

UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra Central European Tour, Summer 2022 Image
Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
65 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 03, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Update #5

April 16, 2022

Dear Friends of UCBSO,

Last weekend, we surpassed our crowdfunding goal and returned to the stage, sharing our music with two sold-out audiences! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for your continued support of the UCBSO! All of us at the UCBSO have been blown away by the generosity of our community and patrons. Without you, we would not be able to share our passion for music and do what we love the most. 

A special shoutout goes to our new donors at the $50 level or higher. Thank you to Louise Bidwell, Hilary Goldstine, Elizabeth Keenan, Joel Boardman, Bobby Todd, Patti Selan, and Kathryn Kling. Your donations are going to help bring so many students to Europe this summer! 


UCBSO Crowdfunding

Update #4

April 03, 2022

Dear Friends of UCBSO,

Our crowdfunding campaign ends TONIGHT at midnight! After a successful concert set this weekend, we are 90% funded. Thank you so much to our wonderful community for the support! Can you help us get to 100% by the end of the day?  

A special shoutout goes to our new donors at the $50 level or higher. Thank you to Doug Cross, Isabel Burton, Robert Steiner, Elizabeth Finlayson, Ellese Nguyen, Nathaniel Stookey, Stephen Chin, Michael OHare, Kenneth Laxer, Koling Chang, Satoko Stroud, George Pursley, T Norman Hardy, Donald Stanford, Marla Eglowstein, Jennifer Terada, Sabine von Glinski, Michael OHare, Greg Durrett, Richard Cushman, Jim Coates, Christina Avila, Nicholas Rapidis, Greg & Judy McCall, and Peter Brockman. Thank you all for your support!

Don't forget to share our project and story with your friends and family to help us reach our goal!


UCBSO Crowdfunding

Update #3

March 26, 2022

Dear Friends of UCBSO,

We are excited to announce a new crowdfunding perk: a chance to win a Trip to Europe! Donate $100 to our crowdfunding page and you'll be automatically entered into our sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip for two to Europe over Veteran's Day weekend, November 9-13, 2022! You'll have the option to choose either Paris or London as your destination. The drawing will take place on Saturday, May 7th during our concert.

There are 8 days left in our final crowdfunding campaign before the tour, so don't miss out on a chance to win this special prize! Your donation goes toward travel, lodging, food, music rentals, and instrument transportation for our Central European Tour. With your contribution, you are directly supporting a student musician's participation in this summer’s tour.

Previous donors at the $100 level will also receive a sweepstakes entry. Multiple entries allowed, just make sure to select the correct perk each time. Additional raffle tickets will be sold at our May concert. Thank you for supporting the UCBSO!

UCBSO Crowdfunding


Update #2

March 23, 2022

Dear Friends of UCBSO,

With 11 days left until our crowdfunding campaign concludes, we are only at 24% of our fundraising goal. This is our final campaign before the tour, so please consider supporting the UCBSO! We are raising money for student scholarships, which cover travel, lodging, food, music rentals, and instrument transportation as we bring the UCBSO to the international stage on tour to Central Europe this summer. If everyone reading this contributes $20, we will reach our goal. Thank you for supporting the UCBSO!

A special shoutout goes to our donors at the $50 level or higher. Thank you to Nadia Liu, Kenneth Laxer, Marie Jureit-Beamish, Katy Pedelty, Jim Lockwood-Stewart, and Mary Gutierrez. Thank you all for your support!

Don't forget to share our project and story with your friends and family to help us reach our goal. Please enjoy a video update from our concertmaster, Anna Fang!


UCBSO Crowdfunding

Update #1

March 14, 2022

Dear Friends of UCBSO,

Thank you all for a great start to our crowdfunding campaign. We still have a long way to go-- thirteen days into our campaign, we are only at 18% of our target. If everyone receiving this  contributes $20, we will reach our goal. Thank you for supporting UCBSO!

A special shoutout goes to our donors at the $50 level or higher. Thank you to Shao FangCarol ChristMichael Hartglass, Kathryn Kling, Marc JacobsChris & Gail Mead, Paul NordineAmanda Wu Chroust. Thank you all for your support!

Don't forget to share our project and story with your friends and family to help us reach our goal. Please enjoy a video update from one of our violists, Saagar Asnani!


UCBSO Crowdfunding

Our way
of Thanking You


Your Name in Lights!

We'll add your name to our program books for the rest of this season to recognize your support!

10 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2022


Exclusive Concert Recording!

For a donation of $50, you'll get an exclusive digital recording of one of this season's concerts, plus a shoutout in one of our project updates and program books!

8 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2022


Insider View of the Tour

For a donation of $75, we will provide you with a digital scrapbook and insider view of our tour, plus the above perks!

13 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: June 2022


Join us Behind the Scenes!

You'll have VIP access to a closed rehearsal and seating on stage in your favorite section of the orchestra, plus all of the above perks!

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2022


Backstage Tour!

Join David and our students on a backstage tour of Hertz Hall, including a visit to the organ loft, plus you'll enjoy all of the above perks!

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2022


You are the Conductor!

You will receive a 15 minute conducting lesson with music director, David Milnes during one of our rehearsals. plus all of the above perks!

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2022
Our Crowdfunding Groups