Who are we?
We are the Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program, or KDSAP! Our organization addresses the issue of the high rates of kidney disease in the Bay Area, which is our main geographic target due to its proximity to our base location in Berkeley, CA. In the United States, 1 in 3 adults is at risk for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and CKD is also the 9th leading cause of death. CKD is an often overlooked disease since major symptoms only become apparent during the final stages of the disease, when kidney damage is irreversible. However, by providing early detection and awareness about the causes of CKD, Berkeley KDSAP aims to decrease the prevalence of this “silent killer” disease.
Minority populations are often at higher risk of CKD, and we have decided to concentrate our efforts in the Bay Area, where a lot of minority populations reside. The services that we provide are open to all, but the populations that we most actively target are Asian Americans, African Americans, and Hispanic communities, because these populations are at higher risk for kidney disease. As a student organization, we rely on fundraising and community grants in order to carry out our mission.
What we do
As an organization, we have two primary objectives: to hold kidney screenings throughout the Bay Area and organize awareness events for the public to learn more about how to maintain good kidney health. Our work addresses and advances health equity by ensuring that all the services that we provide (e.g. screenings, awareness events) are free and open to everyone. We also try to distribute information about these events to as wide of an audience as possible and make targeted efforts to reach the underserved in our community by working with community centers, churches, and other non-profit organizations to publicize our services to those who need it the most. For our screenings, we partner with physicians who provide one-on-one consultations with patients. We are also mentored by physicians from UCSF who help teach us information about kidney health and work with us to organize our screenings.
What your money will go towards
Your donation will go towards the purchase of supplies such as urinalysis (urine test) machines, gloves, and glucometers (to measure blood sugar) that will allow us to conduct health procedures at our screenings, as well as train the volunteers who staff our screenings. We also plan on using funds to print outreach pamphlets and promotional fliers and to boost our social media advertisements, so we can publicize our screenings and awareness events to a broader audience. By donating to our organization, you will help provide the public with more information about an often overlooked disease, and will help people all around the Bay Area improve their health!
Stay connected with us
Learn more about us at our website and follow our social medial for regular updates!
Facebook: UC Berkeley KDSAP
Instagram: @berkeleykdsap
Twitter: @berkeleykdsap
Thank you for all of your support! Please share our page and help us reach our goal!!
For donations of $25 and above, we will give you a personal shoutout on our instagram page!!
For donations of $50 or more, we will send you a personalized thank you video from our entire officer board!
For donations of $100 or more, we will send you a collection of KDSAP themed zoom backgrounds!
For donations of $250 or more, you will be able to have a coffee chat with a KDSAP officer of your choice!
For donations of $500 or more, you can drop in to any of our KDSAP general meetings, which feature informative presentations about kidney health and knowledgeable guest speakers!