This campaign has closed, but you can still make your gift at Thank you!
This campaign is now closed, but contributions to the Cyberdefense for Reproductive Rights Fund can still be made here:
In the aftermath of the Superme Court’s Dobbs decision a disturbing rise in cyberattacks against abortion clinics has been reported together with other cyber threats designed to “disrupt services, intimidate providers and patients, and prevent women from getting the care they need.”
Our fund supports 1) UC Berkeley’s costs related to planning and delivering cybersecurity technical assistance for reproductive rights groups, and 2) original research projects to better understand and protect digital security in support of safe and equitable access to reproductive rights.
At UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at the School of Information we’ve pioneered trailblazing work that trains diverse teams of students to research the challenges and design direct technical assistance solutions that help individuals and organizations secure skills in Cyberdefense for Reproductive Rights.
If you support our project today a generous donor will match your gift - releasing one dollar of support to CLTC for every dollar donated!
CLTC Executive Director Ann Cleaveland with Rachael CornejoMeet dynamic alumni like Rachael Cornejo whose experience providing cybersecurity advice to a reproductive rights organization changed her life and career. Your gift will help preserve and defend digital privacy and protections to those on the front lines of this critical issue.
Read more at the links below to explore the issues we are addressing with impacts that go well beyond cautions on using period tracking apps and protecting the digital privacy of those seeking abortion services.
To discuss special giving opportunities, please contact Shanti Corrigan, Senior Director of Philanthropy, at
The top image, "Tracking" by Ifrah Yousuf, is a modified design from CyberVisuals.
$50 can support local travel costs for students directly engaging reproductive rights providers in cyberdefense assistance
$100 can support poster and conference presentations on original discoveries related to cyberdefense for reproductive rights
$500 can support a basic secure laptop for student use to assess and deliver cyberdefense solutions for reproductive rights providers
$1000 can support a student team conducting cybersecurity risk assessments for a reproductive rights organization