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Cal Archery 2023-24 Tournament Fundraiser

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 16, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

About Cal Archery

Who We Are

Cal Archery was one of the first recreational collegiate archery teams to be established on the west coast. Our team has lead the Western Region in competitiveness, and have also helped a large number of other west coast teams start their own chapter of archery on various campuses. Cal Archery began about 18 years ago in 2005 and we’ve grown tremendously ever since. Our team is always excited to accept new club members, from novices to those already well-versed in the competitive world. We provide all the necessary equipment to get started and teach beginners how to shoot compound, olympic recurve, and barebow. Our goal is to enable archers of every skill level to have the chance to engage in the sport and participate in a healthy competitive environment!

What will your donation go towards?

This year, we hope to support our team in financing our tournament fees, while minimizing the out-of-pocket cost for each attendee. For all donations that come through  crowdfunding, we aim to use the money in the following manner:

  • Tournament Registration Fees: 75% of all donations
  • Travel and Housing Fees: 25% of all donations

By donating to our club, you will help provide the students of UC Berkeley a chance to learn and actively participate in archery as a sport. Please consider supporting us in this manner!

Stay connected with us!


Our way
of Thanking You


Thank You Email

We would like to show our gratitude by sending you a thank you email!

3 of 999 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2023


Name on Website + $10 Perk

We would like to show our gratitude by adding your name(s) or a business of your choice onto our website, and a thank you email!

2 of 999 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2023


Thank You Video + $10-50 Perk

We would like to show our gratitude by sending a thank you video from one of our officers! You will also receive your name(s) or a business of your choice added on our website, and a thank you email!

1 of 999 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2023


Team Practice + $10-100 Perk

We would like to show our gratitude by sending a personal invitation to one of our team practices, where you will get a mini tour of our field and team training! You will also receive a thank you video from one of our officers, your name(s) or a business of your choice added on our website, and a thank you email!

2 of 999 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2023
Our Crowdfunding Groups