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Support ReUSE, the only on-campus thrift store!

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
18 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

ReUSE - the only on-campus thrift store!

ReUSE is the *only* on-campus thrift store located on the 1st floor of MLK Student Union that prevents a myriad of items from entering the waste cycle.

We are a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to give back to the larger Berkeley community with the majority of our clothes for $3 or less. It is sustained by Berkeley students who openly volunteer and get involved with ethical, green second-hand practices to provide a proactive space for affordable clothing, materials, and events for the larger Berkeley community (students, faculty, residents, non-students, etc.)! Almost everything in the store is donated. Towards the end of every semester, the profits we receive are donated to our selected charity (i.e. Dorothy Day House, another non-profit dedicated to helping the houseless community)! 

Our student-run store!**Last school year (2022-2023), we were able to donate a whopping $2971.51 to charity, while simultaneously redirecting roughly 1112.3 pounds of items for a renewed purpose! Without everyone's involvement, this milestone would not have been possible. As our organization and store continue to prosper, we are finding ways to support this growth!**

Front of store!

What will your money go towards?

As the store continues to stay open, there will be an impending need to clean and reorganize it. A huge portion of these funds will go towards cleaning supplies, like bins, Lysol wipes, Nitrile gloves, trashbags, new hangers, and many more. As others are not aware of ReUSE, we would also love to allocate these funds to the production of flyers and posters to promote awareness of our organization. Socials are an amazing way to keep our community strong--we plan to use some donations for upscaling old clothes, tie-dyeing, and repair services. That said, our main goal is to be an accessible outlet for every-day school supplies. We would love to use these funds to be able to afford school items to give back to the community for free!

Here is a rough budget breakdown:

Thank you so much for your consideration for ReUSE! As ReUSE is a non-profit, student-run, and donation-based organization, we fully rely on the larger Berkeley community and beyond for advocacy. Your support will allow us to keep the store afloat, helping us pay for items necessary for the management and cleanliness of the store. We will also be using these funds to give back to our members, as well as advertise and market to raise awareness of ReUSE's existence! 

2nd Sunday Clothing Swap! Our wonderful community bringing their own clothes to swap!

Check out our socials! <3

Instagram: @reuseberkeley

Tiktok: @reuse.berkeley


Feel free to contact us!


Location: First floor of MLK Student Union, UC Berkeley!

Our ReUSE community!

With Love,


Our way
of Thanking You


Social Media Shoutout!

Receive a story shoutout for your donation!

2 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2023


Even Crazier Shout-out!

We will mention you during our general meeting, alongside a potential Instagram post if our crowdfunding is successful!

0 of 50 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: November 2023


Personalized Thank You Video!

Receive a personalized thank you video from our leadership team! Thank you thank you thank you!

1 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2023
Our Crowdfunding Groups