Neurodiversity describes natural variations in the human brain that influence how we think, behave and process information. Most people are neurotypical, but around 1 in 7 of us is neurodivergent. Dyslexia, Sensitivity, Giftedness, ADHD, Autism are among the most common neurodivergent conditions. Each brings its own unique challenges — and strengths. Neurodivergent people think differently - their unique perspectives and experiences mean they can often excel at creativity and innovation, have highly specialized skillsets and an ability to hyperfocus. If embraced, this can be a huge advantage to organizations and society. However, the differences neurodivergent people experience can make life challenging. In order to thrive at work and at school, they often need some simple accommodations. For example, a sensory calm environment to recharge in or a routine with the same start and end times. About 1 in 7 people are neurodivergent - harnessing the full contribution of those people can be a significant contribution to every organisation and help generate a truly inclusive environment.
We aim to build a community for neurodiverse learners, invite relevant seminar speakers, and help advocate together to help meet the needs of the neurodiverse campus community.