Dear CalTV Supporters,
Thank you so much for your incredible support! With your generous contribution, we’re thrilled to announce that we raised $1,000,166% of our goal! This achievement brings us closer to making better and bigger projects a reality!
Your gift directly helps us increase our inventory of film supplies such as cameras and fund events to further our member's experience in the industry! We’re excited to keep you updated on the progress.
If you selected a perk:
For those of you expecting perks, we’re delighted to let you know they will be distributed by December 9th. We hope these will serve as a reminder of the vital role you played in supporting our vision. Please look below for further information
If you selected an Instagram tag;
Email us your Instagram handle so we can let our followers know how much we appreciate you all!
If you selected a Personalized video;
Email us how you would like to be addressed and any additional details we might need to know!
if you selected a sponsor feature on our website;
Email us what you want to be seen on the site; name, logo, image, etc.
To stay updated on our project’s journey, please follow us on all social media platforms @caltv. We’ll be sharing stories, updates, and milestones that your support helps us achieve.
Thank you once again for your commitment and generosity. We couldn’t do this without you!
With deepest gratitude,
Citlali Gonzalez
Marketing Director |
Hello CalTV Suppoters!
Thanks to all of our amazing donors we have already reached our initial goal of $600 within the first week of crowdfunding!! We are extremely grateful for all of your support!
We’ve created a new stretch goal of $1,200. Not only will this help in the purchase of new equipment but also cover expenses for our up-and-coming high-level content such as cross-collaboration videos with other clubs on campus, studio films and our professional brand video. Please help us reach our new goal and support our creative youth!
Thank you once again for all your help! Please donate today and share our page!
CalTV 2024-'25
We will tag your Instagram account on the thank you post @caltv will post at the end of our campaign!
We will add your full name to a dedicated section on our website:
CalTV will feature you on an Instagram story for your donation!
CalTV will include your name in the credits of a video we produce with equipment purchased from donor funds!
We will do a News Segment or Entertainment video of your picking!
The CalTV Executive Board will send you a personalized thank you video for your generous donation!