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Cal Ballroom 2024

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 16, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners
Our way
of Thanking You


Shoutout on our Instagram

Be included in a shoutout post on our Instagram and Facebook!

1 of 100 Claimed


Receive a Cal Ballroom sticker

Get a Cal Ballroom dancing logo sticker mailed to you, or pick up on campus! We'll send out a form after the campaign closes to ask you the best way we can get your sticker to you.

3 of 100 Claimed


Handwritten note from our team

Receive a handwritten note expressing our gratitude! We'll send out a form after the campaign closes to get your address so we can mail your thank you note :)

0 of 100 Claimed


Reserved seating at our comp

Have access to reserved front row seating at Berkeley Classic, our competition held in April, and a shoutout during the event!

4 of 50 Claimed
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