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The Berkeley Forum: Fostering Free Speech at UCB

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
6 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 28, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners
Our way
of Thanking You


Digital Shout Out

We will give you a digital shout out on our pre-event(s) presentation.

1 of 50 Claimed


Personalized Thank You Video

We will send you a personalized thank-you video from one of our organization members.

0 of 25 Claimed


Guaranteed Seating

Guaranteed seating for two seats in any event this semester. This perk is only valid if you have already registered for a ticket.

0 of 200 Claimed


Preferred Seating

Preferred seating for two seats in any event this semester. This perk is only valid if you have already registered for a ticket.

0 of 50 Claimed


Presidential Recognition

Recognition from Forum president during event introduction, signed copy of official poster from speaker, plus lower level perks.

0 of 10 Claimed


Autographed Poster

You will receive an autographed copy of one of our signature The Berkeley Forum event posters for an event of your choosing.

0 of 10 Claimed


Speaker Reception

Pre- or post- event reception with speaker. If speaker is unavailable for reception, this perk will be substituted with another, mutually-agreed upon speaker, plus lower level perks.

0 of 10 Claimed
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