The Greater Good Science Center is an independently funded non-profit based at UC Berkeley that studies and shares the "science of a meaningful life." We feature cutting-edge research and everyday tips to promote happiness, emotional health, connection with others, and stress reduction. With your support we hope to launch a new web-based tool called Greater Good in Action that can enhance the life of everyone who uses it (including you!). Choose the positive emotion you'd like to cultivate -- joy, awe, empathy, forgiveness -- and receive scientifically validated, step-by-step instructions. Our online audience of over 250,000 people worldwide ensures that the impact of GGIA will be huge. But we receive all our funding from donors and friends like you, and we're $12,000 away from being able to finish the project. So we ask you to please make a gift so this first-of-its-kind resource can be a reality. Thank you!
Donors will be publicly acknowledged on the GGSC website
Automatic subscription to the bi-weekly GGSC email newsletter
All of the above plus access to members-only areas of the GGSC website, including full-length videos
All of the above plus delivery via email of "Boost Your Happiness" poster PDF
Private access to pre-launch beta version of Greater Good In Action website.
All of the above plus access to videos by leading researchers, speakers, and practitioners at our groundbreaking 2014 event.
All of the above plus invitation to an exclusive GGSC in-person or online event.