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This project is now in update mode. Check back regularly to see how things are progressing.

Face Value: A Film Production

Raised toward our $3,500 Goal
40 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

A Huge Thank You

January 12, 2022

Hello everyone, 

Thank you so much for donating and supporting this film. We are happy to announce that the project has completed its festival circuit, getting into the Best Shorts Competition, Lift Off Sci-Fi & Fantasy Genre Lab, and the Sweden Film Awards, where it also won the award for the Best Short Film Director. 

Below are some links that you are welcome to view and share as you please :) 

Face Value Full Film: 

Face Value Trailer: 

Face Value Bloopers: 

Additionally, here are some posters from the film. 

I appreciate your patience, as I know this has been a long journey. This was my first film in college that I ever directed, and I have learned so much through the process. 

Since making Face Value, I have gone on to direct Matched (short action film), Witching Hour (short horror film), Faded Lovers (Music Video), and Uppers (Music Video). You can get more info on all projects by following me on instagram,

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of my filmmaker journey, and being part of my first (and yes rocky at times) project. 

Well wishes and gratitude, 


Aaaaaand That's a Wrap!

June 19, 2017

Thanks again to everyone who donated, shared, and liked our project! We really could not have done it without you.

Filming was a blast - we learned so much, had so much fun, and got some amazing footage.

Check out some stills from the project, and be sure to stay tuned for post-production updates!

All the Best,

The Face Value Team




May 03, 2017

Thank you to everyone for helping us reach $1635! 

We feel incredibly supported and are immensely grateful for all the donations, likes, and shares.

We will work hard to do justice to your money and trust.

Stay tuned for updates on the project!

Yours Truly, 

The Face Value Team 


I'll have what she's having....

April 29, 2017

And she's having a lot of fun!

Thank you so much to the donors who have gotten us this far. Our campaign closes Sunday at midnight, so let's make one final push to get us to $1,500!

Keep in mind our awesome perks, such as personal thank you videos, digital film packages, reserved seats at our premiere, hanging out with us on set, naming a character, and getting an executive producer credit!




You Talking to Me?

April 25, 2017

Yes, I'm talking to you!

Thank you so much to the donors who have gotten us to $905! We only have 5 days left, so please continue to circulate the crowdfunding link! The closer we get to our goal, the better quality the film, and the more professional the set is run. 

Additionally, check out our bloopers from filming the action sequence!



Frankly, my dear....

April 19, 2017

We have gotten a few donations, but we still have a long way to go!

We are determined to reach our goal, so PLEASE help us in any way that you can.

Filmmaking is an expensive hobby, but the rewards and benefits are priceless. 

As for other updates, this past week we held auditions for a few characters, started location scouting, and put together a blooper reel (attached below - hope you enjoy!).

Thank you all for your support,

Regina, Akhila, Carson, Diane, and the Face Value Crew



April 11, 2017

Hello everyone!

Thank you to those who have donated so far!

The fraternity has been extremely busy this past week, working on THREE separate film projects, so we are off to a slow start crowdfunding, BUT we are hoping to hit the ground running from now on!

Be sure to check out some cool facts about the crew on our facebook page, and give us a like or share!

Also, here's our fraternity's reel, which showcases some of our past work; hope you enjoy!

Our way
of Thanking You


Name in Credits

Thank you for your support! Your name will appear on the big screen in our credit sequence :)

7 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017


Personal Thank You Video

In addition to adding your name to the credits, we will email you a CREATIVE, personalized thank you video!

15 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017


Digital Film Package

In addition to the above perks, you will receive a digital copy of the film, the director's cut of the film, and EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes footage (including bloopers)!

8 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017


Reserved Seat at Premiere

In addition to the perks above, we will reserve the BEST seats in the house at the film's premiere for our donors (and their plus ones)! At the premiere, you will also get to meet many of the cast and crew members.

5 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017


Be an extra on set!

Have your dreams of being in a movie come true! Come hang out with us on set and see the behind the scenes of how a movie is made! *must be available during the filming date (TBA) *responsible for own transportation to set

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2017


Name a character!

In addition to all the perks above, YOU will have a hand at screenwriting and will get to name a character!

0 of 2 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017


Executive Producer Credit

Thank you for your enormous support! In addition to all the perks above, your name will be credited as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! You can check producing a movie off your bucket list!

0 of 2 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2017
Our Crowdfunding Groups