We'll give you a personal shout-out and thanks on the Berkeley SETI Facebook page.
We'll send you a thank-you card signed by our undergraduate interns.
Send us a question about SETI and get a personal response via email by a member of our team.
You and a guest will receive an invitation to our holiday party, to be held on the evening of December 8, 2017, in the Breakthrough Listen Lab on the UC Berkeley campus.
Our team members will answer your question about SETI in a video that we'll post to YouTube.
We'll thank you as a supporter in the credits of one of our YouTube profile videos, and you'll get a shoutout from the scientist we interview.
Your generous donation will enable us to fully fund one student to attend a scientific meeting to present their research. You'll be thanked in the acknowledgements of the student's research poster, and we'll also be glad to send a signed copy of the poster to you on request.