Hello All,
I wanted to send out one final update about our Crowdfunding project. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to meet or stretch goal, raising $4,155 from a total of 60 donors!
For those of you expecting perks based on the amount you donated, keep an eye out for those to be coming to you soon. For those eligible for the digital photo album and/or a meet and greet with students, you'll be hearing from us after the completion of our trip in March 2018.
We are so honored that so many people are willing to support the work that we'll be doing in eastern Kentucky. We're all really looking forward to our trip, and can't wait to put the money we've raised to good use!
As always, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. I can be reached via email at hanflan@berkeley.edu.
Hannah Flanery
Co-Founder & Co-Director
With just three days to the end of our Crowdfunding campaign, we're only $245 away from reaching our stretch goal of $4,000! We're asking for one last show of support from our generous donors. Please consider sharing our page on social media to help get the word out, or making an additional contribution if you're able. The crowdfunding link is: crowdfund.berkeley.edu/boaltonbreak.
Again, THANK YOU for your support! We are so, so grateful for your contributions, and so blown away by your kindness and generosity!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at hanflan@berkeley.edu.
Hannah Flanery Co-Founder & Co-Director
We are so, so grateful to all of you who have donated to Boalt on Break thus far. We're blown away by your generosity! With a whole 27 days left in our campaign, we're already at 66% of our goal, with about $1,000 to go!
We encourage you to share this page with your networks via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, word of mouth, etc. Every share counts!
This trip would not be possible without the support of each and every one of you, so thanks again!
A personalized, handwritten thank you card from our students.
Receive access to a curated photo album created by student participants, capturing their Boalt on Break work and travels.
Be listed as a donor on our website.
Chat with a student participant via Skype or in person about their experience with Boalt on Break.