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Biofuels Technology Initiative

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
36 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners


May 07, 2018

Hey Donors!


We just wanted to give one more IMMENSE Thank You to you all for helping us achieve our funding goals in our April campaign! Special thanks to Adar Karny, Cathering Jung, and Ted Hou for helping us exceed our initial goal and raise $2,433 in total! Again, the funds will be put to good use in acquiring quality testing, chemical feedstocks, and research and safety equipment. With your help the Biofuels Technology Club is sure to succeed! We'll keep you posted on our website and social media pages.


Thank you so much again! We won't forget it!




Goal Reached! Still 2 weeks to go!

April 17, 2018

Hi again Donors!


With your help we reached our goal of $2,000! Many, many thanks again and again to all our amazing donors who helped us reach our goal this April! We would especially like to thank Jingting Wu, Phil Kim, Peter, Nguyen, Apurva Pradhan, and Elaine Fox for chipping in and giving us the last 25% we needed this past week! Since this campaign has been going so well thanks to everyone, we've decided to stretch our goal to $3,500 in the next 2 weeks. If you can spare a few minutes, please share our page at, and the extra money past what we've already raised will go towards extra chemicals, inedible kitchen grease transporter licenses, and safety equipment like goggles and lab coats!


Please celebrate and laugh with us by checking out our bloopers video below!


Again, thank you so much everyone!



Amazing First Week: Thank you to all our Donors!

April 11, 2018

Dear Donors,


Every club member in BTC gives their thanks to you. Merry Osbourne, Sean Chen, Melissa Chen, Pierce Griffin, May Kwok, Patrick Kwok, Nancy Fox, Teresa Marinkovich, Kevin Marinkovich, Nancie Sherman, Charles Li, Emi Sherman, Wright Sherman, Pegeen Brosnan, Monica Kala, Ida Wong, Katrina Mazloomian, Claire Zhang, David Chen, Alyssa Zhao, Wade Sherman, Minoo Mardookhy, and Younes Sina: With your help, we've raised 75% of our goal in the first 10 days, and we couldn't be more grateful and appreciative. Your donations will help us produce our first batches of certified biodiesel that we can share with future partners to show them how dedicated we are to improving sustainability at Berkeley and beyond!


In the meantime, our research team has been hard at work testing our reactions. Check out the photos of our cooking oil being turned into biodiesel below:


With a little bit of extra help we can definitely reach our crowdfunding goal. If you can spare a few minutes, please share our page at, and we'll be sure to reach our goal soon!


Again, thank you so much everyone!



Our way
of Thanking You


Biofuels Technology Donor Wall

Your name will be listed on the BTC Donor Wall here on the crowdfunding page, and later on our personal website.

9 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


Shout out on Social Media

In addition to listing your name on our donor wall, we will thank you personally via our official Facebook account.

4 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2018


Handwritten Thank You Card

In addition to listing your name on our donor wall and a shout-out on social media, we will send you a handwritten thank you note from our team.

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


“Fueling Forward” Reception

In addition to all previously listed perks, you will be invited to attend our end-of-year reception, in which team members, alumni, and donors have the opportunity to connect. We will be presenting about our club history, our progress, and future goals; as well as recognizing our donors whose generosity has made all of this possible.

4 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


RFS Plant Site Tour

In addition to all previously listed perks, you will receive a tour of our pilot plant production facility at the Richmond Field Station.

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018
Our Crowdfunding Groups