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QACON '18 | Limitless

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

QACON ‘18 Is a Success

April 29, 2018

As the 11th annual Queer and Asian Conference at UC Berkeley comes to a close, we in the planning committee thank you for your participation, respect, and patience. QACON would be nothing without our dedicated attendees.


A special thank you to our generous donors, as well. We are so grateful for the support, and, in our final moments (actually, as I was writing this announcement), we’ve made it to our goal of $1500! Woo! Big woohoo!


That said...


Impressed by our vast array of high-quality breads for breakfast, but wish there were more options? (Us, too.) Liked the t-shirt design (and, psst, booklet Easter eggs) but desired a higher quality print? (Again, us too.) Enjoyed QACON ‘18 and want to contribute to its continued growth as a resource for the community? (One more time for the people in the back—us, too!) Contribute to our crowdfunding efforts, and we’ll do our best to always improve, both the individual aspects of the conference itself, as well as our ability to reach and support the greater community. If you aren’t financially capable, all is well, but please consider sharing this page with others who may be.


Are you a UC Berkeley student (or just someone in the area) who wants to upgrade QACON yourself (or, like myself, just want a cool name tag, free t-shirt, and friends)? Join our planning committee! Applications will be out in the fall.


Once again, thank you for making QACON ‘18 a success, and we wish to see you again next year.



Just a couple days left!!

April 25, 2018

The conference is upon us!


At the end of this week (Friday, the 27th), come visit us at the Multicultural Community Center (MCC) for opening night! Registration starts at 5pm, and Opening Night officially begins at 6pm. Can’t make it on Friday? All is well, for Saturday’s the main day of the conference, with registration and breakfast beginning at 7:30am. (More info at the end.)


We’re so close to our crowdfunding goal! We’re a little over 80% there, with only about $250 left to go. Thank you so much to our donors, and we hope that, if you attend QACON ‘18, you enjoy it just as much as we do, and leave with a feeling of growth.


To those of you who have not yet donated, please consider doing so before it’s too late! We have less than a week left for crowdfunding, so please help us reach out goal before the end of the month! We can do it, and every little bit counts!


More information about the schedule can be found here, and all of the workshops on Saturday are listed here. Be sure to check out our website for more information and to register.


Come to us, the best event before the semester’s end.



Two Weeks Left!!

April 16, 2018

Hello everyone!


First off, to our backers, thank you so, so much for your generous contributions! We have just under two weeks until the conference, and are already at 65% of our goal for this campaign.


As for the conference, we already have over 300 attendees signed up! WOW! Big mood! In addition, we've been tabling on Sproul (9am–2pm, Monday through Friday), so feel free to drop by and say hello (or hewwo, if you're that kind of person), especially if you're interested in meeting in-person some of the committee members behind the conference.


Have you signed up for QACON yet? If not, what are you waiting for? If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at, and we'll get back to you right away. Additionally, please consider sharing this page (Facebook, Twitter) and liking our Facebook page!


Once again, thank you to everyone who has helped us in making QACON '18 the best one yet!



Below is a picture of the motivation and founding duckther for this year's committee, the QUACKon Duckstronaut. Duckstronaut is limitless, and so are we.



Our way
of Thanking You


Facebook Shout-Out

A public thank you via our conference Facebook page!

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


Handwritten Thank-You Note

A one-of-a-kind, personal thank you note from a member of our team!

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


Team Photo (email)

A photograph of the QACON ‘18 Committee, along with a thank you message and a brief summary of how this year’s conference went!

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


A spot on our donor wall

A public acknowledgement of appreciation on our website!

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018


Booklet dedication

Prior to April 7th — a page of this year’s booklet will be dedicated to our most generous crowdfunding donors | After April 7th — a special mention will be made during the opening ceremony thanking each of our most generous donors

1 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: May 2018
Our Crowdfunding Groups