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Support Cal in the Capital's Summer 2025 Students!

Raised toward our $7,000 Goal
42 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


CITC Support Fund

Contribute $20 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!


CITC Support Fund

Contribute $50 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!


CITC Support Fund

Contribute $100 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!


Personal Thank You

Contribute $500 or more and receive a personal thank you video from one of our Student Directors!


Social Media Feature

Contribute $1000 or more to be featured on our social media or newsletter!


Support One Student

Sponsor one student's entire summer stay at the UC Washington Center. Contribute $4,000 or more to be invited to speak to our student cohort during the DeCal course in spring 2024!

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