We are so happy to announce that CITC reached our goal of raising $7,000 for our new Summer 2025 cohort!
THANK YOU to our generous donors who supported our campaign this October. Because of your contributions, we are able to continue to make CITC an accessible program for students who may not have the chance otherwise.
We are excited to send out more updates when our cohort starts their internship search this spring, and we hope you stay tuned!
With Gratitude,
Arisbeth, Emily, Rebekah, and Robert
Contribute $20 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!
Contribute $50 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!
Contribute $100 or more to the CITC Support Fund to transform a student's summer experience!
Contribute $500 or more and receive a personal thank you video from one of our Student Directors!
Contribute $1000 or more to be featured on our social media or newsletter!
Sponsor one student's entire summer stay at the UC Washington Center. Contribute $4,000 or more to be invited to speak to our student cohort during the DeCal course in spring 2024!