Have your name (or the name of your designee) listed on the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design's website sponsor page that highlights all of the embARC Diversity Scholarship sponsors.
Earn a social media shout out on the embARC Facebook Timeline or Twitter Feed!
Get an etched thank you postcard straight out of the CED Digital Fabrication Lab's state-of-the-art laser cutter.
Receive a three-dimensional reminder (and cool conversation piece) for your support of embARC, fabricated in CED's bleeding-edge Digital Lab.
Hob-nob with embARC Student Designers at a reception celebrating the culmination of four intensive weeks of instruction, design, visioning and fabricating, and formally donating the Design Build projects to the UC Berkeley Food Pantry. Students will be on hand to discuss the experience of designing and building the project, illuminating their challenges and successes, that they will take with them after graduating.
Designate a name or organization to be inscribed on a plaque affixed to the Design Build project.
Attend a fun-filled luncheon hosted by Dean Wolch and embARC staff honoring the Wishbone scholarship recipient and other scholarship awardees whose participation in embARC is made possible by your generous donation.
Secure your or your organization's legacy as committed supporters of diversity and food security with a highly visible name or logo inscription on the Design Build project. Limit one per structure.