Rank | State | Gifts |
1 | CA | 23 |
2 | DC | 2 |
2 | NY | 2 |
For donations of $25 or more, we’ll post a shout out to you or the person of your choosing on our Twitter account.
For donations of $50 or more, we’ll post a photo shout out to you or the person of your choosing on our Facebook account.
For donations of $100 or more, you’ll receive a handwritten thank you card from a student.
For donations of $250 or more, you’ll receive a short personalized thank you video.
For donations of $500 or more, you’ll get a personal Democracy Camp doodle (by our resident student artist)
For donations of $1,000 or more, you’ll be invited to attend Democracy Camp for a morning reception and meet with students participating in the program.