For decades, the Suitcase Clinic has been on the frontlines of advocacy in the East Bay community. We began our mission of advocacy and solidarity driven by a desire to tackle disparities in access to some of the most basic social and health resources that many of the vulnerable and underserved within our community face.
While our roots trace back to operating out of suitcases in order to respond to the needs of our clients, our spaces and resources have evolved over the years. Today, we operate out of three clinics that serve distinct demographics and are located throughout the city of Berkeley. Among these clinics are Womxn’s Clinic, Youth and LGBTQ+ Clinic, and General Clinic.
On average, each of these spaces serve between 40 to 70 clients a night as we provide services ranging from professional medical services to foot washing and haircutting. In understanding that that there are various components to health, we as well work alongside community partners and clients to address issues of housing and food insecurity and engage in political advocacy.
In the spirit of continuing our mission, we seek allies to help by donating whatever they can financially to fund our Share the Warmth campaign. While many of the donations we have received from our community have helped in the past, our most recent winter made clear our inability to adequately meet the needs of our clients in the face of severe weather. Thus, the Share the Warmth Campaign arose to fund the purchase of adequate winter gear for all the men, women, and children who enter our clinic spaces. We require sleeping bags, winter jackets, and winter clothing, all of which can be purchased through the help of your donation.
What your Donations Can Help Provide:
As students and caseworkers at the suitcase clinic, we stand in solidarity alongside the needs of our fellow community members. Through your donation, you can join us in our mission of advocacy and directly respond to the expressed needs of our community. Help unite at a time when most seem to be divided, and please help share the warmth. Thank you.
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We will list your name among all the donors who contributed to this campaign and helped us stand as allies with our community.
A thoughtful and unique letter will be sent to every donor on behalf of one of our staff volunteers to thank you for your generous donation and for standing as an ally alongside us and our clients.
Receive a creative Art Piece from one of our clinic spaces.
A lecture on behalf of some of the volunteer students in our clinic spaces in which we explore the intricacies surrounding homelessness and advocacy centering on values of solidarity and empathy.