FEMTech is the first student organization at UC Berkeley to promote gender diversity and to inspire Cal students from all majors to excel in careers in tech. Through speaker series, mentorship programs, and networking events, FEMTech provides a supportive community for students of all majors and backgrounds to create meaningful connections with like-minded peers.
We strongly believe that diversity and inclusion are critical to innovation in the 21st century. We hope to excite new interest in tech while providing support for students who are already in STEM majors. We bring together a network of talented students from various majors who can help form an inclusive workplace that is beneficial for all.
Over the summer and during the fall semester, some of our FEMTech members volunteered at Scientific Adventures for Girls, which focuses on getting girls at the elementary school level interested in STEM! We helped them with hands on projects, like the mini bot project pictured here! We're excited to continue volunteering for them and motivating this girls to stay interested in STEM!
FEMTech Berkeley aims to use crowdfunding to host our biggest campus-wide event this semester – FEMTexpo. This will showcase works created by our talented members since our club’s inception. We will display projects by our robotic and drone teams, as well as works that students have created in our self-paced coding sessions. As one of our largest events of the semester, FEMTexpo will feature a mini career expo, award ceremony, alumni speakers, and a networking session. This event is free and welcoming to everyone who is curious and interested in learning. *PLEASE DONATE TODAY AND HELP US MAKE FEMTEXPO A REALITY*
Being a nonprofit, non-exclusive student organization, FEMTech Berkeley depends primarily on donations and limited university grants for support - resources that cover only a fraction of the cost of just a single event with range in attendance from 50-200 students.
Associated with the insights, ideas, and voices of 3-5 speakers brought in by each debate/panel are the costs of such large-scale events. Your support is CRUCIAL!
Through YOUR support:
FEM Tech Berkeley is excited to expose our diverse community to incredible ideas and inspirations, therefore, please support FEMTech today by clicking the donate button and sharing.
FEMTech Talk
A weekly Speaker Series of inspirational leaders from varying fields aiming to demystify tech and promote inclusion and diversity
FEMTech Make
A hands-on engineering series for all levels of experience. One of the past products of this program was an aqua robot, built by a team of 10 FEMTech members in the invention lab at CITRIS and the Banatao Institute.
FEMTech Share
A weekly self-paced Coding Session taught by FEMTech's tutors and made available to the entire student body. At these sessions, mentors are also present to provide help to members who need help with personal or class projects.
Mai Le, Yahoo Search Engine Leader, spoke to members about her path to success and shared her invaluable experience in the tech industry.
Top Latina professionals will tell their stories about their journeys in the technology industry and promote diversity in tech.
Ashwin, Lead Applications Architect at Intel, shared his experience in robotics, embedded systems, systems architecture, and hardware architecture, as well as his passion of building hardware and software ecosystems that enable others to bring their creative ideas to life.
We are very excited to expose our diverse community to incredible ideas and inspirations, therefore, please support FEMTech today by clicking the donate button and sharing.
Please feel free to contact Anita Chan for further questions at finance.femtech@gmail.com if you have any questions.
"FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Name recognition on the pre-event(s) presentation plus "FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Mention on the FEMTech Berkeley's Facebook event page and name recognition on the pre-event(s) presentation plus exclusive "FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Team picture with customized banner, and a hand-written thank you note from officers plus lower level perks.
Invitation to an exclusive event-planning reception with FEMTech Berkeley team to brainstorm potential ideas for future speakers/events/themes plus lower level perks.
Guaranteed exclusive seating for 2 persons at FEMTech Dine, happening at the end of the semester, plus lower level perks.