"FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Name recognition on the pre-event(s) presentation plus "FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Mention on the FEMTech Berkeley's Facebook event page and name recognition on the pre-event(s) presentation plus exclusive "FEMTech Berkeley" laptop sticker (until supply lasts; pick up at an event)
Team picture with customized banner, and a hand-written thank you note from officers plus lower level perks.
Invitation to an exclusive event-planning reception with FEMTech Berkeley team to brainstorm potential ideas for future speakers/events/themes plus lower level perks.
Guaranteed exclusive seating for 2 persons at FEMTech Dine, happening at the end of the semester, plus lower level perks.